Religious Leaders Urged to Help Governments Create Awareness on Climate Change Issues During COP28

Former President of the African Union Economic Social and Cultural Council AU ECOSOCC) and Director General of the Institute for Development and Leadership in Africa ( IDEA) is currently attending the Faith Pavillion at the ongoing COP 28 in Dubai.

Addressing delegates at the Faith pavillion Mr.Kodhe urged religious leaders to work together to sensitize and create awareness to the citizens on Climate Change issues. 

Mr.Kodhe observed that Human Security elements comprising Food Environment, Economic, personal, and Political are all victims of Climate change.

He urged Faith and Religious leaders to work closely with governments, Civil Society organisations and other agencies to come up with measures and strategies to deal with the Climate Change Agenda.

For the first time, Faith groups have come together to participate in COP 28 and also to advocate strongly on climate change issues.

Mr.Kodhe also talked about Citizen's participation in combating climate change challenges. The role of the citizens who are the main stakeholders in the Climate Change Agenda cannot be ignored. 

Climate change has become a discussion of experts and governments without involving the citizens who are usually the victims.

Faith and religious organisations should fight for space on the discussion table of Climate Change. They are closer to the community at grassroots levels therefore they must come out strongly with very clear strategies for reaching out to the citizens to sensitize them, create awareness and also build their capabilities through training and empowerment.

Mitigation measures cannot become effective without the involvement of the citizens.

CSOs, the media, the private sector and other non-state actors should come together to build a strong team to deal with climate change issues.

Early warning alerts and systems should not be ignored because the impact of climate change whether it is floods, hunger, typhoons, or wild bush fires as has been the case in Australia is devastating


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