Liberal Democratic Party Raises Alarm Over President Ruto's Authoritarian Threats

The Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP) has castigated President William Ruto for threatening Kenyans seeking justice for his unconstitutional autocratic policies and actions.

In a statement, LDP noted that the threat by Ruto that he will use the Sword to silence his critics and that he will not respect Court Orders is very serious and alarming. The Sword and the Constitution were given to Ruto as a symbol of power and governance as the 5th President of Kenya when he was sworn-in but not to be used to slaughter Kenyans opposed to his bad and crazy leadership style.

The threat by Ruto is treasonable and is an act of betrayal to the constitution of Kenyan which he took an oath to protect.

The people of Kenya, Human Rights crusaders, the Media, and Civil Society organisations locally and internationally should not take Ruto's threats for granted.

According to LDP, a dictator or a murderer is judged by the way he/she talks, his/her past and the way he/ she conducts himself or herself.

Unfortunately, Kenya as a country does not have able and honest politicians who conduct their affairs with dignity and integrity. Kenyan politicians are distrustful, corrupt, selfish and tribal warlords who will go to any extent including sacrificing their communities to achieve what they want and to satisfy their interests.

LDP as a party which cherishes and promotes democracy, freedom of expression and information, Rule of Law and respect for Human Rights finds the threat by President Ruto not only disturbing but also retrospective in the sense that Kenya as a country had made a lot of progress in its democratisation process since 1907.

President Ruto should be reminded that what he is trying to do was tried many years back by the former late President Daniel Arap Moi but he failed.

In the meantime, LDP is wishing all Kenyans A Merry Christmas and a very Blessed Prosperous Happy New Year 2024.

LDP has further urged Kenyans to be extra careful during the festive seasons to ensure their safety.


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