DR Congo's Opposition Leader Calls National Unity For The Stability of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Former head of the Electoral Commission in the Democratic Republic of Congo Corneille Nangaa on Friday 15th launched a call for unity of all political, social and military forces of DRC ahead of the much-awaited December 20th general election.

Flagged by other opposition leaders Nangaa called on Political parties, Civil Society Platforms, Resistance forces and coself-defence-defense forces, ⁠Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Community and Diaspora leaders.

The new movement will be known as “ALLIANCE FLEUVE CONGO” abbreviated AFC (CONGO RIVER ALLIANCE IN ENGLISH) and will establish a structured force for the rebuilding of the state and resolve the root causes of recurring conflicts to ensure lasting peace in the DRC.

Speaking at a Nairobi hotel Nangaa noted that the call was Driven by the desire to save the Nation which was in danger, and to restore the dignity of the people of Congo and the State of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"Moved by the will to live together, to unite, to achieve national cohesion and to finally end insecurity, widespread killing and massacre of citizens, genocidal ideology driven by negative forces aligned to the regime in Kinshasa, which has resulted in internal displacement of people and turning of citizens into refugees, particularly in the Eastern part of the country, we are Convinced that the responsibility to save the state as well as the well-being of the Congo depend only on the Congolese themselves and none other," he said.

 Nangaa accused the regime of Mr.TSHISEKEDI of opting for a mode of governance that is characterized by unethical practices such as corruptichoosingezzlement of public funds, tribalism, dispossession of public and private property, discrimination, lies, tribalism, witch hunt, the exploitation of public service and institutions, tribalization and manipulation of justice, arbitrary arrests, assassinations, economic crimes, linguistic discrimination and exclusion, division and impoverishment of the population.

The group further faulted the Kinshasa regime for deliberately choosing to outsource national security by using war as a business and undermining the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) for the benefit of foreign mercenaries and other negative forces which prey upon the Eastern part of the country, sowing death and desolation.

"To all patriots sharing this urgent need for change, you are invited to join us, without delay, to save our country and to establish cohesive governance in unity and peace, the rebuilding of a State that rises to its sovereign responsibilities based on the law and which assures the safety of all," he added.

Some of the groups that have accepted the call so far include POLITICO-MILITARY MOVEMENTS led by Ituri, South Kivu, North Kivu, M23 and many others.
15 political parties who could not be mentioned due to security reasons have also joined the movement, 267 prominent personalities, 23 Citizen movements and 41 Civil Society Groups.


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