Naivas Supermarket Makes Maiden Grand Entry Into Kakamega Town

By Grace Mwende

Leading retailer Naivas supermarket is setting up shop in Kakamega for the very first time since its inception. 

This is not only a momentous occasion as the retailer enters a new town but because it has started its journey of growing beyond 100.

The supermarket chain now boasts of 101 branches and it’s so apt that this journey kicks off in a completely new territory. The new branch, number 101, is located at the newly constructed Cathedral Mall with Naivas being the anchor tenant.

The outlet covers 32,000 square feet of trading space on two floors. It has a well-thought-out customer journey, a carefully crafted product catalogue, beautiful interior giving it a modern look and feel that guarantees an aesthetically pleasing shopping experience. This is in line with NaNaiva'sission to offer an affordable world-class shopping experience.

“We are super delighted that we are finally making an entry into Kakamega which has certainly been the most requested branch in the recent past. I am proud that we are finally able to fulfil this long-standing request by the great people of Kakamega. They say good things take time, we have taken time and listened to our customers, understood their needs and came up with a store that not only meets but exceeds the needs of our Kakamega shoppers. This is a move that underscores our commitment to making shopping experiences easier, affordable and more enjoyable,” remarked Peter Mukuha.

“This opening is particularly exciting as it is right in the middle of our festive Annual National Consumer Promotion referred to as Kikwetu. This year, the campaign is dubbed #NaivasKikwetuFiesta and we are happy that Kakamega gets to join in, adding the isikuti flavour to the fiesta. We all know, that o fiesta is complete without goodies as has been the tradition for the past 12 Kikwetus we have a lot of offerings keeping in mind that times are very hard economically with ever rising cost of living. This campaign ensures that customers get to enjoy crazy discounts throughout the festive season over and above the crazy discounts, and Cardholders get a chance to win gift vouchers valued at 2k each and over 1000 of our iconic mbuzi across all our branches including the newly opened Naivas Kakamega,” concluded Peter Mukuha.


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