MP Mulyungi Blasts Kenya Kwanza Government After the Third Nationwide Power Blackout in Three Months

( Mwingi Central MP)

By Grace Mwende

Mwingi Central Member Parliament Gideon Mulyugi has asked Kenya Kwanza to put their house in order after the country experienced the third nationwide blackout within three months.

Mulyugi noted that the country has never experienced a nationwide blackout in the past two regimes and therefore this was a sign of incompetence on the Kenya Kwanza government

"This frequent power outage in this country is a typical sign of corruption and incompetent leadership, because it's not a usual occurrence, neither is it by accident but a design and it's time for David Chirchir to resign", he said 

The MP said Kenyans are dissatisfied citizens according to the way the country is being run by this Kenya Kwanza government.

Several Kenyans, commenting on various platforms, aired their discontentment questioning why the power outages have become frequent.

"The rejection started when some Cabinet secretaries were appointed, he said

Hon. Mulyungi claimed that when people who are in power are incompetent, they take so long to deliver what competent people can do within a short period.

This is the second time this blackout has occurred, therefore Kenyans are asking why there are too many blackouts in this Ruto or Kenya Kwanza government," Mulyungi added.


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