The Liberal Democratic Party Dismisses the National Dialogue Committee

Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP) dismisses the National Dialogue Committee as a complete waste of time and resources.

The so-called National Dialogue talks are just about certifying certain selfish political interests which have nothing to do with the plight of the ordinary Kenyans currently suffering because of the high cost of living.

Such talks have been perennial after General elections since 1907 during the reign of the late President Daniel Arap Moi.

The composition of the National Dialogue Committee members is questionable and comprises wounded politicians who lost the elections and now trying to secure places in the current government for their survival and a government which is either illegitimate or not and that is comprised of greedy politicians who are willing to do anything including changing the constitution to stay in power at whatever cost. 

The mandate of the National Dialogue Committee is not clear and is not constitutional. 

Membership to the Committee is not inclusive and issues being discussed as agendas do not address genuine concerns of Kenyans. Views being presented during the so-called stakeholder engagement are skewed and unstructured. 

According to LDP, the cost of living is the prime responsibility of any government in power and therefore is not a constitutional matter that should be addressed through the National Dialogue Committee. 

As argued by experts and media analysts, the National Dialogue Committee Chaired by Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and the Leader of Government in the National Assembly Kimani Ichungwah at the Bomas of Kenya is an exercise in futility. The 2010 constitution is still fresh and not implemented as per the expectation of Kenyans who enacted it.


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