KEPSA and NEMA Join Forces to Combat Plastic Pollution in Kenya

Nairobi, October 25, 2023 – In a pivotal move towards environmental responsibility and sustainable business practices, Sustainable Inclusive Business – Kenya (SIB-K), a division of the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), has partnered with the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to drive compliance with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations in Kenya through a Private Sector Sensitization Workshop, supported by USAID and Prosper Africa. 

The workshop raised awareness and fostered dialogue between businesses and NEMA, focusing on the initial phase of EPR implementation: data collection and environmental cleanup. EPR, a global concept, mandates that producers and manufacturers manage the entire lifecycle of their products, including disposal, thus adhering to the polluter-pays principle. 

Kenya currently recycles only 8% - 10% of its plastic waste, making plastic pollution a pressing concern. Successful EPR implementation not only aids in reducing environmental degradation but also accelerates progress toward a 40% recycling rate for plastic packaging by 2030, as outlined by the Kenya Plastics Pact.  

USAID supports implementing Kenya’s plastic policies, awareness raising, and private-sector partnerships through its engagement with KEPSA under the USAID Save Our Seas Initiative, aimed to tackle ocean plastic pollution in 14 countries and regions, including Kenya. 

Dr. Ayub Macharia, Director of Environmental Implementation at NEMA, expressed his commitment to working hand-in-hand with the private sector to ensure swift and effective EPR implementation. "Through shared environmental responsibility, we can reduce waste and minimize its impact." 

"We believe that private sector engagement is crucial in addressing environmental challenges, and EPR offers a structured framework for businesses to make a positive impact. Through this workshop, we aim to equip businesses with the knowledge and motivation to embrace EPR, not just as a regulatory requirement but as a responsible and sustainable business practice through assisted compliance," said Ebenezer Amadi, Program Manager at KEPSA. 

Anna Ghnouly, Environment and Natural Resources Officer at USAID, emphasized that Kenya has taken significant steps in reducing environmental degradation and enhancing the circular economy. “This partnership with KEPSA aligns with the growing global consensus that businesses can positively impact the environment and the country's long-term prosperity. A collaborative approach that involves the public and private sectors is essential in realizing Kenya's vision for a greener and more sustainable future. USAID will remain committed to supporting Kenya in this transformative journey." 

The workshop brought together over 100 private sector leaders, industry experts, formal and informal waste sector representatives, government officials, and development partners


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