President Ruto Blamed for Allowing Demolitions of Properties in Movoko


Liberal Democratic Party,( LDP) criticizes the Kenya Kwanza government of President William Ruto for going against its promises to Kenyans during campaigns.

A government which does not respect human rights and people's rights and more so that cannot keep its promises is a fallacy and dangerous.

President Ruto during campaigns in last year's general elections made promises which he is betraying after taking power.

Land grabbing by cartels in Kenya is a historical and perennial problem where people in power grab land and then sell it to innocent and unsuspecting citizens.

Many Kenyans are victims of these land-grabbing cartels and have been conned and duped to buy and develop properties which are later destroyed through court orders claiming that they are built on grabbed government land and yet they have documents and title Deeds issued by the same government. What a shame.

This is the conmanship of the highest order and that is why Kenyans voted for the Kenya Kwanza government hoping and praying that it will protect them and their properties.

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is warning President Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza government not to take Kenyans for granted especially when he is dreaming of securing a second term of office.

Kenyans can be patient and tolerant to a certain extent.

Recently former Prime Minister and the leader of Azimio One Kenya coaliition Hon.Raila Odinga was shouted down and chased away by his supporters in Turkana who claim to be dissatisfied with his leadership.

Ruto as a president should be careful that such a thing does not happen to him by making some erratic decisions and actions against Kenyans whom he took oath to protect with their properties.

Kenyans are tired and depressed to the extent that they do not know what to do.

People cannot survive because of high taxes but instead of the government cursing them it is destroying their properties.

Demolishing properties that people have struggled to build and develop with their savings, loans and hard-earned money is painful, heartbreaking and inhuman, especially at this time when the economy is hurting.


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