FOWEK Launched in Nairobi, Set to Empower Women in Business


By Grace Mwende 

Federation of Women Entepreneurs Kenya (FOWEK) has been official launched in Nairobi, with 1million dollars to lend to all Kenya women in business.

Addressing the media during the grand launch, Ms Catherine Githinji,COMESA Focal Point in Kenya who represented the Principal Secretary said the (FOWEK) is a good platform apex body of all women entrepreneurs, women investors, and women business owners and their business associations, and it plays the role of lobbying and advocating for Women Entrepreneur Associations (WEAs) with the aim of Connecting women with each other.

She said that government will ensure women business are not affected by the non-tariff barriers.

According to her the Bottom Up agenda that was launched by President Ruto is the focal point of all women across all counties, mostly on the agricultural sectors. 

"As government who understands women we will create an enabling environment for all women, to empower women to expand their business and to change the landscape on how women do business ",she adds 

In a move to ensure inclusion,Ms Vicky Karuga, President of the (FOWEK) reiterates that there's need to create a business environment for all women mostly in the Micro and Medium Enterprises in various sectors including trade, agribusiness as well as building and construction sectors. 

Mrs Katherine Ichoya,Founder at Milachi Services limited said women must not be afraid to explore and promote their knowledge and skills in the business sector.

Ichoya urge women to create more program that includes each and every woman. 

She has urge (FOWEK) to empower women in trade by achieving full intergration into national and sub-regional trade,conquering the county borders, regional borders and international borders. 

"Embracing the intergenerational agenda to create the space and be ready to speak on behalf of women let's include young women and equip them to take over", she said.

FOWEK provide a comprehensive capacity building, training and mentorships programs to equip Women Enterpreneurs with skills and knowledge needed to exell in the business.

FOWEK will continue to partner with the Trade and Development Bank (TDB) to ensure women entrepreneurs access funding through the (TDB) guarantee fund. This funding avenue aims to support women in business.


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