Advocate Stanley Manduku Highlights Role of Gen Zs and Lawyers in Kenya's Political Shifts

By Grace Mwende 

Advocate Stanley Manduku has emphasized on the significant role of Generation Z in driving recent political and social changes in the country.

Speaking to the media during the ongoing Law Society of Kenya (LSK) Annual Conference, Manduku pointed out the notable reforms and shifts in the political landscape over the past few weeks, attributing much of the momentum to the vocal demands of young people.

"In the last five to six weeks, we've seen a surge in activism, particularly from Gen Zs, which has prompted considerable reactions from the political class," Manduku noted.

He highlighted the dissolution of the cabinet, the vetting of the Inspector General of Police, and the formation of a National Unity government as responses to the public outcry led by youth.

"These changes are essentially addressing the political appeals arising from the agitation of our young people," he stated.

According to Manduku, demands for truth and transparency—initially dismissed—have gradually gained recognition and validation from the political elite.

He cited the eventual acknowledgment by the government of issues such as high taxation and the rising cost of living, which had been at the forefront of youth protests.

"Despite being branded as anarchists initially, young people have proven their points, leading to significant actions by the government, including the reshuffling of the cabinet and reconsideration of unpopular tax proposals," Manduku said.

The advocate further underscored the pivotal role of lawyers in these developments, stressing that legal professionals are integral to the country's governance.

"Lawyers are present in all spaces of governance, from the judiciary to the legislature, and even within the cabinet," he said.

Manduku urged his colleagues to uphold good corporate governance and the rule of law, as well as to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of all Kenyans.

Manduku affirmed the timeliness and relevance of the LSK Annual Conference, expressing confidence that the discussions and resolutions made would resonate widely within the legal community and beyond. He called on advocates to play their rightful role in ensuring that the ongoing societal changes lead to a just and equitable future for all Kenyans.


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