Liberal Democratic Party Condemns Proposal to Extend Presidential Term Limit by Nandi Senator

Liberal Democrstic Party ( LDP) is urging Liberal Kenyans to strongly and vehemently refuse and resist any attempt to change the constitution to extend presidential term limit from five years to seven.

The constitution is very clear on the mandate and term of office for an elected President.Any attempt to interfere with the constitution by the selected few to change the constitution to remain in power is illegal and is tantamount to committing treason.

The re-emergence of anti constitutional change of governments by military in Africa is as a result of self driven interests and ambitions by certain politicians to remain in power for life by changing constitutions and dis- respecting the rule of law.

The then ruling party KANu's power or tower babel should not be allowed to come back through the ambitious Kenya Kwanza government.

Instead of focusing on serious issues affecting the country such as high cost of living, disfuntioning education system, poor health system etc Kenya Kwanza government is concerned more about how to remain in power forever.

It is shameful and very absurd that by controlling institutions of governance such as the National Assembly, the Senate and the Judiciary Kenya Kwanza operatives are now manoeuvring shameless to change the constitution in their favour.

According to LDP the proposal by Nandi Senator Samson Cheregei to the National Dialogue Committee to extend the presidential term is not only laughable but also a fallacy of the highest order.

Kenya has a history under one power system with uncontrolled presidential limit.Nandi Senator should be reminded that there are many Kenyans who lost their lives and were maimed for fighting for democracy and the political space that he is enjoying today. 

These kind of reckless ideas and proposals to change the constitution and to interfere with governance laws and rules should be rejected at all costs as they are aimed at creating anarchy in the country and taking the country back to the dark days of KANU which became Baba na Mama dictorial regime.


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