Naivas Launches 3rd Annual Edition of Their Seasonal Campaign, Kikapu Kibonge

Naivas Supermarket today launched the third edition of their seasonal Campaign. The campaign promises to be authentically Kenyan while delivering memorable experiences through thematic campaigns all the while exceeding customer expectations. 

This third edition of the annual consumer comes at a very tough time economically. Kenyan backs are breaking under the burden of inflation which is essentially pushing the cost of living higher by the day. 

The situation is further exacerbated by wars which are impacting global supply chains which mean either product don’t get to our market and when they do, the costs only keep rising with each shipment. 

“Through research and insights, we have realized that one of the biggest challenges Kenyans are facing is in their basic needs, they are more and more being forced to make a choice between essentials that should go into their shopping baskets and as such, they are getting smaller and smaller for the customer. As a homegrown brand that exists to make other people’s lives better, we of course made the decision that once again like in the past two years, we are going to go even further in making sure that we are providing the best value for money to our customers,” said Rodney Wood, Chief Commercial Officer. 

“Last year we promised Kenyans that we were going to supersize their baskets and we lived up to that promise and this year we are telling customers we are giving them even bigger baskets to help them navigate this season of their lives with even more ease. It is moments like this that define our character and with the odds stuck against the Kenyan people, as a homegrown retailer and supermarket of choice for the Kenyan people, we understand that ‘undugu ni kufaana si kufanana’ and we are going to be the big brother looking out for them. For this reason we are launching our seasonal campaign dubbed “NAIVAS KIKAPU KIBONGE SUPAA SAFARI” telling Kenyans to “Shika njia ya big shopping, the Naivas Kilocol way,” remarked Peter Mukuha, Naivas Chief of Operations. 

“There is an African proverb that says ‘if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go with others. We understand this all too well, that is why we have joined hands with our suppliers to see to it that our customers enjoy great value across all categories ranging from fresh produce, daily groceries, household items, electronics and so much more during the campaign. The period is a journey punctuated by many festivities and we shall be there ateach of these stages ensuring each of our customers walks out with a Kikapu Kibonge," concluded Peter Mukuha. 

With 103 outlets countrywide, customers are bound to find a Naivas Kilocol to fill their biggest shopping bags.


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