Azimio Leaders Demand President Ruto's Resignation, Codemn Violent Protests


Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party leaders, by Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka, have issued a strong condemnation of the violent protests that they claim are sponsored by the Ruto regime. 

The leaders are backing public demands for the resignation of President William Ruto, accusing his administration of trying to suppress dissent through intimidation and unlawful acts.

"In the typical fashion of a tyrant, the Ruto regime attempted to silence their voices by intimidation, arrests, abductions, and hijackings. This did not work. It shall not work," stated Musyoka.

The coalition highlighted the evolution of youth-led protests from rejecting the Finance Bill 2024 (#RejectTheFinanceBill2024) to a broader call for President Ruto’s resignation (#RutoMustGo). According to Azimio, the Ruto administration has been infiltrating peaceful protests with goons aimed at destabilizing them, which they term as disgraceful and illegal activities that violate the right to peaceful protest as enshrined in Article 37 of the Kenyan Constitution.

Citing reports from the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) and various media outlets, Azimio leaders accused the police of executing a "shoot-to-kill" order, resulting in the deaths of 41 young Kenyans and leaving over 300 injured with gunshot wounds.

"There are many questions that Gen Z, Azimio, and the world have. Why is Ruto, through his henchmen and thugs, hiring goons to destabilize constitutionally protected protests, causing chaos and mayhem? Is the goal to declare a State of Emergency and suspend the Kenyan Constitution?" queried the statement.

Expressing the frustration of Kenyans, especially the youth, the coalition declared that the populace has had enough of Ruto’s administration and is calling for his immediate resignation.

Additionally, Azimio demanded the immediate signing into law of the IEBC (Amendment) Bill, 2024, which has been pending on President Ruto’s desk. They argue that this bill is crucial for ensuring accountability of representatives in the Legislature.

The coalition also warned Azimio legislators who went against the people’s wishes, supporting their recall. They criticized the proposal to increase salaries for senior state officers amidst economic struggles, urging members to reject such increments.

"It is time for Ruto to take responsibility for all his actions. He has blood on his hands and he should go to allow for a smooth transition of power," the statement concluded.

The political landscape in Kenya remains tense as these accusations and demands by Azimio leaders add fuel to the ongoing protests and public discontent.


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