FAWEK: Teenage Pregnancies in Nairobi Reach Worrying Levels

By Vincent Munga

The prevalence of teenage mothers in Nairobi County has reached alarming heights and concerted effort is needed for the vice to be controlled.

According to a lobby group Forum for African Women Educationalists – Kenya Chapter (FAWEK) at least 2,000 school going children were impregnated in 2023.

FAWEK Kenya chapter director Justus Makhulo says Starehe constituency leads the high prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Nairobi county followed by Mathare constituency.

Kibra, Makadara and Kasarani are also among the affected sub counties which he says is fuelled by hard economic times, peer pressure and parents pushing their young girls to have sex with mature men for favours.

"Recent findings from the KDHS Report of 2022 shed light on a startling fact: nearly one in every five households in this country either grapples with the challenges of impending teenage motherhood or has already witnessed its arrival," he said.

Mr. Makhulo was speaking in Nairobi where they were taking stock on the achievements the organization has made since they partnered with MasterCard Foundation in the Imarisha Msichana Project which aims to significantly reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy in Kenya during and beyond the COVID 19 crisis by 2025. 

The program aims to collaborate with key stakeholders in the generation of credible and acceptable data on teenage pregnancies in Kenya that will advise on suitable solutions.

"The ultimate goal is to ensure more girls are retained in schools and complete their education to be more productive people in the society." he concluded.


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